Through our partnership with Harriet’s Helping Hands, we work with some of the Nation’s leading doctors, hospitals, care coordinators, researchers and cancer organizations to provide the support services and personal connections you need. We’ll walk with you each step of the way. Let us help you. Call us at 773.989.1108 or text “SUPPORT” to 773.808.7473 and we’ll call you back as soon as possible within office hours (M-F, 8-4 PM CT, USA only)
Leaning into their family’s values, Harriet advocated for and launched a patient support program at the University of Chicago. With the support of the Gerald O. Mann Foundation, of which the Wulfstat family are the trustees, Rolfe took over the effort, now called Harriet’s Helping Hands, to expand its “boots on the ground” patient support program. Rolfe has grown the program with connections to all Chicagoland hospitals.
We can help answer your questions and guide you through the next critical steps: to quickly gather information and medical advice in order to make the right treatment decisions for you. We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to pancreatic cancer. Rolfe Foundation is here to empower you to make confident and quick decisions and guide you throughout the process.